Welcome Back !! I have to tell more to you guys…Bt what to say? Just like me lying on my couch with an expression of laziness on my face, the lazy words are still lying on my mind and are not ready to come out of its world..After browsing, liking and following some of the mind blowing blogs and sites, What to say?? How to say?? Where to say?? are the quesions which are frequently troubling the cells of my mind.  

    Anyways….here are the healing words and statements , my mind has created for all those minds who are deprived of their negative thoughts and want to glow the depressing nights by gathering the fireflies of golden thoughts…and thus, decorate their minds..

  • Fireflies of Golden Thoughts are as follows..
  1.  Whenever you feel that your external world is disturbed for one or the other reasons, 🎀then peep into your intenal world n that’s known as ‘Mind’.😊
  2. Mind power is as greater as the whole universe in the world..✨If we think positively and see the world from the spects of 💜happiness,👼 then and then only you’ll be able to shine your side.
  3. Believe in yourself..😎.the Real God, Real Power, Real Kings 👑and Queens 👸exists in you and your mind itself.
  4. The solutions for every problems are somewhere imbided in you..🌟Only the thing is that you have to clear the dust of 👍 negetivness and reach up to the wonderfull solutions.
  5. Lastly I would 👒like to say, Good things are not made but they aready there with us for the life time.✌ Its ‘YOU’ who must find it.

                                                …Thank you…





  1. Welcome to blogging world, never say or think other blogger are far superior in content than you.
    We all started with zero and loose talk.
    We spend countless hours on liking and appreciating what and how others write and say, so that we can start the perimeters of ours.
    Than when the perimeters are set we start slowly and gradually, the best bloggers always pay visit to their followers who comment or like. But if they grow quite large it’s difficult to go to each one liker.
    So try to comment specially in the initial phase of your blogging life and learn to be patience specially till you get 150 odd followers. And try to post small length rather long length.
    I hope this suggestion will be more than sufficient for the time being

    Liked by 4 people

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